The Web is a Baby! Nannie-nannie, boo-boo.

April 30, 2008

An infant feeding from bottle shortly after birthImage via Wikipedia

I picked up on a post from the BBC, they interviewed Tim Berners-Lee talking about the internet and how immature it still is.

The future web will put “all the data in the world” at the fingertips of every user, Sir Tim said.

“The web has been a tremendous tool for people to do a lot of good even though you can find bad stuff out there.”

Making the web free to use had a vital role in spreading its use worldwide.

Because the web was designed and became open, wild and free – it allowed for the global view to plug-in. This lead to the rapid uptake of the idea and ultimately brought us to where we are today…a ecosystem which supports conversation, social systems and information.

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One Response to “The Web is a Baby! Nannie-nannie, boo-boo.”

  1. […] Systems Committee, have tried to wrestle with these issues. Others have recently commented on the infancy of the web, and our need to think outside our traditional frameworks.  What follows is an […]

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